
Hey there! Welcome to my website and blog space--for all things whiteness and white privilege. I'm Dr. Angela Putman, otherwise known as WhitePrivDoc.

A bit about my background: My Bachelor's and Master's degrees are in Organizational Communication and my Ph.D. is in Intercultural Communication. My dissertation is focused on educating people about systemic racism, intersectionality, and white privilege. I am passionate about communication, social justice issues, education, and speaking out against injustices.

During my long academic journey, I did a lot of self-reflection. One of the many realizations that I came to involved examining my own whiteness as a privileged, White woman. This realization was not an easy one--but it was an essential one. Learning to grapple with my own whiteness, white guilt, and my participation (whether explicit or implicit) in systems that are inherently racist is a constant struggle; but, it  is one that I feel compelled and responsible to engage in, for as long as it takes to witness change--within me and within U.S. American society(ies). 

I have taught full-time at three community colleges--two in Texas and one in Manhattan--and as a Teaching Assistant while pursuing my graduate degrees at two universities--one in Michigan and one in New Mexico. Currently, I am an Associate Professor at Penn State University Brandywine.  

I invite anyone and everyone--especially other Whites--to join me in this struggle. Read my blogs, use the resources that I will direct you toward as further guidance, do some of your own self-reflection, engage others in dialogue (including me!), ask questions when you're uncertain, push yourself beyond your comfort limits, and, most of all, be honest with yourself and others. A struggle like this one is not something we should engage in alone, so make sure to reach out to others in whatever way is best for you.

Human beings built this system of racism; therefore, as human beings, we must work together to tear it down.

Thanks for visiting my website and I hope that you find something that inspires you to take action.

--Dr. Angela Putman (WhitePrivDoc)